Since some weeks Scarface and the Musceteers are staying on the other side of the Marariver, in Maratriangle. Yesterday early morning we found Scarface and Hunter on our side of the river. Obviously they had crossed during the night. After sleepy hours they showed up in their whole glory. Unfortunately their stay didn’t last long. Before a heavy thunderstorm brought a lot of rain with increasing waterlevel of the river they crossed again to the other side. Lucky all who were there at the right time.
@matirabushcamp , 15.11.2017
Since some weeks Scarface and the Musceteers are staying on the other side of the Marariver, in Maratriangle. Yesterday early morning we found Scarface and Hunter on our side of the river. Obviously they had crossed during the night. After sleepy hours they showed up in their whole glory. Unfortunately their stay didn’t last long. Before a heavy thunderstorm brought a lot of rain with increasing waterlevel of the river they crossed again to the other side. Lucky all who were there at the right time.
@matirabushcamp , 15.11.2017