Not every lion pride can be proud to have such beautiful male lions . The two males are glamorous with a grand figure, beautiful face and golden mane. We call them Olerai
and Osahabu what means bright and golden. They were resting under a tree with a lot of bees, honey means enaisho, so the pride is now called Enaisho Pride.
Close to them one female and two cubs were relaxing on a soft bed of green grass, after a nice meal.
@matirabushcamp, 21.11.2017
Not every lion pride can be proud to have such beautiful male lions . The two males are glamorous with a grand figure, beautiful face and golden mane. We call them Olerai
and Osahabu what means bright and golden. They were resting under a tree with a lot of bees, honey means enaisho, so the pride is now called Enaisho Pride.
Close to them one female and two cubs were relaxing on a soft bed of green grass, after a nice meal.
@matirabushcamp, 21.11.2017